Friday, April 3, 2009

Immigrants from Bangladesh to seek to join melillenses concentration Menéndez Pelayo

The 63 immigrants from Bangladesh living in Melilla since 2005 will focus from 1630 until 2100 hours today, in the plaza Menéndez Pelayo, asking the government delegate to intercede before them and provide them the necessary papers to stay in a legal in the country. The group hoped to receive support from melillenses a demand for which also are gathering signatures. The 63 state that have been waiting many years' papers' for a future in Europe and that each day that passes is greater uncertainty and frustration. They sold what little they had to undertake a journey of about two years due to the West. Now, they say, and after so many 'sacrifices and suffering "can not return to their country. The Bengalis say that since 2005 have gone through the Center for Temporary Immigrant hundreds of people in just a few months, managed to leave due to the Melilla peninsula. They are 'doomed', says one of them, to see how others are and they stay. Regret that there is no note or exquisite unblemished conduct or behavior, attitudes that value both professionals working with them in the CETI as all citizens. For immigrants from Bangladesh, it is frustrating to see that all the sacrifices made to reach Europe only serves to prolong the uncertainty. After two years of travel, of being deceived by the mafia and seeing many comrades die in the Sahara, the Bengalis are an insurmountable legal barrier. "We prefer death than return to our country, 'says with a smile and always with the hope that the Government will listen and heed them.

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